Surah Rahman Read Online, Download PDF & Listen Audio
Surah Rahman is the 55th Surah of the Qur’an and is found in the 27th Para of the Quran. This Surah consists of 3 Ruku, 78 Ayat, 352 Words, and 1585 Letters. In the order of its revelation (Tarteeb e Nuzool), it is 97 in position and in the order of its recitation (Tarteeb e Tilawat), it is 55 in position. The main theme of Surah e ar Rahman is ‘Allah’s Blessings’ on His Creatures. The complete Surah Rahman clears the concept of Divine Mercy.
اللہ کے نام سے شروع جو نہایت مہربان ہمیشہ رحم فرمانے والا ہے
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Ever-Merciful
اَلرَّحۡمٰنُ ۙ﴿۱﴾
1. (وہ) رحمان ہی ہےo
1. The Most Compassionate (is He)
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 1)عَلَّمَ الۡقُرۡاٰنَ ؕ﴿۲﴾
2. جس نے (خود رسولِ عربی ﷺ کو یا ان کے ذریعے اِنسان کو) قرآن سکھایا٭
2. Who (Himself) taught the Qur’an (to the Arab Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him] or the humans through him).*
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 2)خَلَقَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ ۙ﴿۳﴾
3. اُسی نے انسان کو پیدا فرمایا
3. He is the One Who created humankind.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 3)عَلَّمَہُ الۡبَیَانَ ﴿٤﴾
4. اُسی نے اِسے بیان سکھایا
4. He alone taught him the art of expression and communication.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 4)اَلشَّمۡسُ وَ الۡقَمَرُ بِحُسۡبَانٍ ﴿۪۵﴾
5. سورج اور چاند (اسی کے) مقررّہ حساب سے چل رہے ہیں
5. The sun and the moon are rotating according to the configuration determined (by Him).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 5)وَّ النَّجۡمُ وَ الشَّجَرُ یَسۡجُدٰنِ ﴿۶﴾
6. اور زمین پر پھیلنے والی بوٹیاں اور سب درخت (اسی کو) سجدہ کر رہے ہیں
6. And the herbs spread over the earth, and all (species of) the trees prostrate themselves (to Him alone).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 6)وَ السَّمَآءَ رَفَعَہَا وَ وَضَعَ الۡمِیۡزَانَ ۙ﴿۷﴾
7. اور اسی نے آسمان کو بلند کر رکھا ہے اور (اسی نے عدل کے لئے) ترازو قائم کر رکھی ہے
7. And He is the One Who has maintained the sky raised high and (He is the One) Who has set up the balance (for justice),
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 7)اَلَّا تَطۡغَوۡا فِی الۡمِیۡزَانِ ﴿۸﴾
8. تاکہ تم تولنے میں بے اعتدالی نہ کرو
8. So that you violate not the balance whilst weighing.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 8)وَ اَقِیۡمُوا الۡوَزۡنَ بِالۡقِسۡطِ وَ لَا تُخۡسِرُوا الۡمِیۡزَانَ ﴿۹﴾
9. اور انصاف کے ساتھ وزن کو ٹھیک رکھو اور تول کو کم نہ کرو
9. And keep weighing justly and do not make the balance fall short.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 9)وَ الۡاَرۡضَ وَضَعَہَا لِلۡاَنَامِ ﴿ۙ۰۱﴾
01. زمین کو اسی نے مخلوق کے لئے بچھا دیا
10. He is the One Who has spread out the earth for the creatures.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 10)فِيهَا فَـٰكِهَةٌۭ وَٱلنَّخْلُ ذَاتُ ٱلْأَكْمَامِ ﴿۱۱﴾
11. اس میں میوے ہیں اور خوشوں والی کھجوریں ہیں
11. There are fruits in it and blossom-bearing date-palms,
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 11)وَ الۡحَبُّ ذُو الۡعَصۡفِ وَ الرَّیۡحَانُ ﴿ۚ۲۱﴾
21. اور بھوسہ والا اناج ہے اور خوشبودار (پھل) پھول ہیں
12. And chaff-covered grain and fragrant (fruits and) blooms.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 12)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۳۱﴾
31. پس (اے گروہِ جنّ و انسان!) تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
13. So, (O assembly of jinn and men,) which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 13)خَلَقَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ صَلۡصَالٍ کَالۡفَخَّارِ ﴿ۙ٤۱﴾
41. اسی نے انسان کو ٹھیکری کی طرح بجتے ہوئے خشک گارے سے بنایا
14. He is the One Who created man from a dry mud sounding like earthenware,
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 14)وَ خَلَقَ الۡجَآنَّ مِنۡ مَّارِجٍ مِّنۡ نَّارٍ ﴿ۚ۵۱﴾
51. اور جنّات کو آگ کے شعلے سے پیدا کیا
15. And created the jinn from a flame of fire.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 15)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۶۱﴾
61. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
16. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 16)رَبُّ الۡمَشۡرِقَیۡنِ وَ رَبُّ الۡمَغۡرِبَیۡنِ ﴿ۚ۷۱﴾
71. (وہی) دونوں مشرقوں کا مالک ہے اور (وہی) دونوں مغربوں کا مالک ہے
17. (He alone is) the Lord of the two easts and (He alone is) the Lord of the two wests.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 17)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۸۱﴾
81. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
18. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 18)مَرَجَ الۡبَحۡرَیۡنِ یَلۡتَقِیٰنِ ﴿ۙ۹۱﴾
91. اسی نے دو سمندر رواں کئے جو باہم مل جاتے ہیں
19. He is the One Who has made the two seas flow that join each other;
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 19)بَیۡنَہُمَا بَرۡزَخٌ لَّا یَبۡغِیٰنِ ﴿ۚ۰۲﴾
02. اُن دونوں کے درمیان ایک آڑ ہے وہ (اپنی اپنی) حد سے تجاوز نہیں کرسکتے
20. There is a barrier between them; they cannot breach (their respective) limits.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 20)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۱۲﴾
12. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
21. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 21)یَخۡرُجُ مِنۡہُمَا اللُّؤۡلُؤُ وَ الۡمَرۡجَانُ ﴿ۚ۲۲﴾
22. اُن دونوں (سمندروں) سے موتی (جس کی جھلک سبز ہوتی ہے) اور مَرجان (جِس کی رنگت سرخ ہوتی ہے) نکلتے ہیں
22. The pearls (shading green) and corals (shading red) come forth from both (the seas).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 22)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۳۲﴾
32. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
23. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 23)وَ لَہُ الۡجَوَارِ الۡمُنۡشَئٰتُ فِی الۡبَحۡرِ کَالۡاَعۡلَامِ ﴿ۚ٤۲﴾
42. اوربلند بادبان والے بڑے بڑے جہاز (بھی) اسی کے (اختیار میں) ہیں جو پہاڑوں کی طرح سمندر میں (کھڑے ہوتے یا چلتے) ہیں
24. And (under) His (control) are (also) the big vessels with lofty sails raised high (anchoring or sailing) in the sea like mountains.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 24)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۵۲﴾
52. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
25. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 25)کُلُّ مَنۡ عَلَیۡہَا فَانٍ ﴿ۚۖ۶۲﴾
62. ہر کوئی جو بھی زمین پر ہے فنا ہو جانے والا ہے
26. Whoever is on the earth will perish.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 26)وَّ یَبۡقٰی وَجۡہُ رَبِّکَ ذُو الۡجَلٰلِ وَ الۡاِکۡرَامِ ﴿ۚ۷۲﴾
72. اور آپ کے رب ہی کی ذات باقی رہے گی جو صاحبِ عظمت و جلال اور صاحبِ انعام و اکرام ہے
27. And the essence of your Lord, Who is the Master of glory and splendour and the Master of bounty and honour, will remain.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 27)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۸۲﴾
82. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
28. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 28)یَسۡـَٔلُہٗ مَنۡ فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضِ ؕ کُلَّ یَوۡمٍ ہُوَ فِیۡ شَاۡنٍ ﴿ۚ۹۲﴾
92. سب اسی سے مانگتے ہیں جو بھی آسمانوں اور زمین میں ہیں۔ وہ ہر آن نئی شان میں ہوتا ہے
29. All that are in the heavens and the earth beg from Him alone. Every moment His Glory manifests anew.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 29)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۰۳﴾
03. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
30. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 30)سَنَفۡرُغُ لَکُمۡ اَیُّہَ الثَّقَلٰنِ ﴿ۚ۱۳﴾
13. اے ہر دو گروہانِ (اِنس و جِن!) ہم عنقریب تمہارے حساب کی طرف متوّجہ ہوتے ہیں
31. O both the groups (of men and jinn), soon shall We attend to your account.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 31)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۲۳﴾
23. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
32. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 32)یٰمَعۡشَرَ الۡجِنِّ وَ الۡاِنۡسِ اِنِ اسۡتَطَعۡتُمۡ اَنۡ تَنۡفُذُوۡا مِنۡ اَقۡطَارِ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضِ فَانۡفُذُوۡا ؕ لَا تَنۡفُذُوۡنَ اِلَّا بِسُلۡطٰنٍ ﴿ۚ۳۳﴾
33. اے گروہِ جن و اِنس! اگر تم اِس بات پر قدرت رکھتے ہو کہ آسمانوں اور زمین کے کناروں سے باہر نکل سکو (اور تسخیرِ کائنات کرو) تو تم نکل جاؤ، تم جس (کرّۂ سماوی کے) مقام پر بھی نکل کر جاؤ گے وہاں بھی اسی کی سلطنت ہوگی
33. O company of the jinn and men! If you have the power to go across the boundaries of the heaven and the earth (and overpower the universe), then go ahead. Whichever station (i.e., heavenly sphere) you will go to, there too will be His Kingdom alone.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 33)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۴۳﴾
43. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
34. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 34)یُرۡسَلُ عَلَیۡکُمَا شُوَاظٌ مِّنۡ نَّارٍ ۬ۙ وَّ نُحَاسٌ فَلَا تَنۡتَصِرٰنِ ﴿ۚ۵۳﴾
53. تم دونوں پر آگ کے خالص شعلے بھیج دیئے جائیں گے اور (بغیر شعلوں کے) دھواں (بھی بھیجا جائے گا) اور تم دونوں اِن سے بچ نہ سکو گے
35. The flames of pure (i.e., smokeless) fire will be sent upon both of you and (flameless) smoke (too will be sent) and you both will be unable to escape from them.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 35)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۶۳﴾
63. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
36. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 36)فَاِذَا انۡشَقَّتِ السَّمَآءُ فَکَانَتۡ وَرۡدَۃً کَالدِّہَانِ ﴿ۚ۷۳﴾
73. پھر جب آسمان پھٹ جائے گا اور جلے ہوئے تیل (یا سرخ چمڑے) کی طرح گلابی ہوجائے گا
37. And when the heavens will split apart and will become rosy like burnt oil (or red leather),
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 37)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۸۳﴾
83. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
38. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 38)فَیَوۡمَئِذٍ لَّا یُسۡـَٔلُ عَنۡ ذَنۡۢبِہٖۤ اِنۡسٌ وَّ لَا جَآنٌّ ﴿ۚ۹۳﴾
93. سو اُس دن نہ تو کسی انسان سے اُس کے گناہ کی بابت پوچھا جائے گا اور نہ ہی کسی جِن سے
39. That Day no man or jinn will be asked about his sin.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 39)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۰۴﴾
04. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
40. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 40)یُعۡرَفُ الۡمُجۡرِمُوۡنَ بِسِیۡمٰہُمۡ فَیُؤۡخَذُ بِالنَّوَاصِیۡ وَ الۡاَقۡدَامِ ﴿ۚ۱۴﴾
14. مجرِم لوگ اپنے چہروں کی سیاہی سے پہچان لئے جائیں گے پس انہیں پیشانی کے بالوں اور پاؤں سے پکڑ کر کھینچا جائے گا
41. The evildoers will be recognized by the darkness of their faces and so they will be pulled, seized by their forelocks and feet.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 41)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۲۴﴾
24. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
42. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 42)ہٰذِہٖ جَہَنَّمُ الَّتِیۡ یُکَذِّبُ بِہَا الۡمُجۡرِمُوۡنَ ﴿ۘ۳۴﴾
34. (اُن سے کہا جائے گا:) یہی ہے وہ دوزخ جسے مجرِم لوگ جھٹلایا کرتے تھے
43. (It will be said to them:) ‘It is this Hell which the evildoers used to deny.’
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 443)یَطُوۡفُوۡنَ بَیۡنَہَا وَ بَیۡنَ حَمِیۡمٍ اٰنٍ ﴿ۚ۴۴﴾
44. وہ اُس (دوزخ) میں اور کھولتے گرم پانی میں گھومتے پھریں گے
44. They will move about in that (Hell) and in the boiling hot water.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 44)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۵۴﴾
54. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
45. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 45)وَ لِمَنۡ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّہٖ جَنَّتٰنِ ﴿ۚ۶۴﴾
64. اور جو شخص اپنے رب کے حضور (پیشی کے لئے) کھڑا ہونے سے ڈرتا ہے اُس کے لئے دو جنتیں ہیں
46. And whoever fears standing before his Lord (for meeting), for him are two Gardens.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 46)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿ۙ۷۴﴾
74. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
47. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 47)ذَوَاتَاۤ اَفۡنَانٍ ﴿ۚ۴۸﴾
84. جو دونوں (سرسبز و شاداب) گھنی شاخوں والی (جنتیں) ہیں
48. They are (green and fresh Gardens) with deep thick branches.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 48)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۹۴﴾
94. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
49. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 49)فِیۡہِمَا عَیۡنٰنِ تَجۡرِیٰنِ ﴿ۚ۰۵﴾
05. ان دونوں میں دو چشمے بہہ رہے ہیں
50. Two springs are flowing in both of them.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 50)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۱۵﴾
15. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
51. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 51)فِیۡہِمَا مِنۡ کُلِّ فَاکِہَۃٍ زَوۡجٰنِ ﴿ۚ۲۵﴾
25. ان دونوں میں ہر پھل (اور میوے) کی دو دو قِسمیں ہیں
52. In them are two kinds of every fruit.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 52)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۳۵﴾
35. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
53. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 53)مُتَّکِـِٕیۡنَ عَلٰی فُرُشٍۭ بَطَآئِنُہَا مِنۡ اِسۡتَبۡرَقٍ ؕ وَ جَنَا الۡجَنَّتَیۡنِ دَانٍ ﴿ۚ۴۵﴾
45. اہلِ جنت ایسے بستروں پر تکیے لگائے بیٹھے ہوں گے جن کے استر نفِیس اور دبیز ریشم (یعنی اَطلس) کے ہوں گے، اور دونوں جنتوں کے پھل (اُن کے) قریب جھک رہے ہوں گے
54. The residents of Paradise will be reclining on couches lined with fine and thick brocade (i.e., satin) and the fruits of both the Gardens will be hanging low (over them).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 54)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۵۵﴾
55. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
55. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 55)فِیۡہِنَّ قٰصِرٰتُ الطَّرۡفِ ۙ لَمۡ یَطۡمِثۡہُنَّ اِنۡسٌ قَبۡلَہُمۡ وَ لَا جَآنٌّ ﴿ۚ۶۵﴾
65. اور اُن میں نیچی نگاہ رکھنے والی (حوریں) ہوں گی جنہیں پہلے نہ کسی انسان نے ہاتھ لگایا اور نہ کسی جِن نے
56. And in them will be (chaste maidens) with downcast gazes, untouched either by any man or jinn.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 56)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۷۵﴾
75. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
57. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 57)کَاَنَّہُنَّ الۡیَاقُوۡتُ وَ الۡمَرۡجَانُ ﴿ۚ۸۵﴾
85. گویا وہ (حوریں) یا قوت اور مرجان ہیں
58. As if they (chaste maidens) were rubies and pearls.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 58)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۹۵﴾
95. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
59. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 21)ہَلۡ جَزَآءُ الۡاِحۡسَانِ اِلَّا الۡاِحۡسَانُ ﴿ۚ۰۶﴾
06. نیکی کا بدلہ نیکی کے سوا کچھ نہیں ہے
60. The reward of good cannot be anything but good.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 60)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۱۶﴾
16. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
61. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 61)وَ مِنۡ دُوۡنِہِمَا جَنَّتٰنِ ﴿ۚ۲۶﴾
26. اور (اُن کے لئے) اِن دو کے سوا دو اور بہشتیں بھی ہیں
62. And apart from these two there are also two more gardens (for them).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 62)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ (٣۶﴾
36. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
63. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 63)مُدۡہَآ مَّتٰنِ ﴿ۚ۴۶﴾
46. وہ دونوں گہری سبز رنگت میں سیاہی مائل لگتی ہیں
64. Both appear deep green tinting black.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 64)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿ۚ۵۶﴾
56. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
65. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 65)فِیۡہِمَا عَیۡنٰنِ نَضَّاخَتٰنِ ﴿ۚ۶۶﴾
66. اُن دونوں میں (بھی) دو چشمے ہیں جو خوب چھلک رہے ہوں گے
66. There are two springs which will be gushing with force in these two (as well).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 66)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۷۶﴾
76. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
67. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 67)فِیۡہِمَا فَاکِہَۃٌ وَّ نَخۡلٌ وَّ رُمَّانٌ ﴿ۚ۸۶﴾
86. ان دونوں میں (بھی) پھل اور کھجوریں اور انار ہیں
68. In both of them there are also fruits, date-palms and pomegranates.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 68)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۹۶﴾
96. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
69. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 69)فِیۡہِنَّ خَیۡرٰتٌ حِسَانٌ ﴿ۚ۰۷﴾
07. ان میں (بھی) خوب سیرت و خوب صورت (حوریں) ہیں
70. In them are pious and beautiful (chaste maidens as well).
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 70)(۱۷) فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰن
17. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
71. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 71)حُوۡرٌ مَّقۡصُوۡرٰتٌ فِی الۡخِیَامِ ﴿ۚ۲۷﴾
27. ایسی حوریں جو خیموں میں پردہ نشین ہیں
72. The maidens who are veiling, confined in tents.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 72)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۳۷﴾
37. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
73. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 73)لَمۡ یَطۡمِثۡہُنَّ اِنۡسٌ قَبۡلَہُمۡ وَ لَا جَآنٌّ ﴿ۚ۴۷﴾
47. انہیں پہلے نہ کسی انسان ہی نے ہاتھ سے چُھوا ہے اور نہ کسی جِن نے
74. Untouched before either by any man or jinn.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 74)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿۵۷﴾
57. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
75. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 75)مُتَّکِـِٕیۡنَ عَلٰی رَفۡرَفٍ خُضۡرٍ وَّ عَبۡقَرِیٍّ حِسَانٍ ﴿ۚ۶۷﴾
67. (اہلِ جنت) سبز قالینوں پر اور نادر و نفیس بچھونوں پر تکیے لگائے (بیٹھے) ہوں گے
76. All ˹believers˺ will be reclining on green cushions and splendid carpets.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 76)فَبِاَیِّ اٰلَآءِ رَبِّکُمَا تُکَذِّبٰنِ ﴿٧٧﴾
77. پس تم دونوں اپنے رب کی کن کن نعمتوں کو جھٹلاؤ گے
77. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 77)تَبٰرَکَ اسۡمُ رَبِّکَ ذِی الۡجَلٰلِ وَ الۡاِکۡرَامِ ﴿۸۷﴾
87. آپ کے رب کا نام بڑی برکت والا ہے، جو صاحبِ عظمت و جلال اور صاحبِ اِنعام و اِکرام ہے
78. Most Blessed is the Name of your Lord, the Master of glory and splendour and the Master of bounty and honour.
(Ar-Rahman, 55 : 78)What Is Surah Ar-Rahman?
Surah Rahman is named Al-Rehman after the word with which it starts. It is also related to its subject matter, ‘‘Attributes of Allah’’ and his countless blessings from the start of Surah to the end. The meaning of Ar-Rahman is ‘The Most Beneficent’. The title “Arūs al-Qur’ān” (عَروسُ القُرآن) has been applied to Ar Rahman Surah, signifying the Quran’s bride.
This surah’s name was chosen because it discusses many of paradise’s benefits, particularly the houris and the lovely, modest, obedient celestial women referenced in multiple verses. While Surah Al-Qamar describes Allah’s wrath in graphic detail, Surah Rahman fully provides comprehensive information about His bounties and rewards. This is a clear continuation of Surah Ar-Qamar’s final ayah
Period of Revelation (Ar Rahman Surah)
It is doubtful whether Surah e Rahman is ‘Makki’’ surah ‘or ‘‘Madni. According to most authentic scholars, e.g., Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas, Ikrimah, and Qatadah, it is a Madni surah. Still, according to some other authorities, its subject matter has close resemblance to other Makki surahs and many authentic traditions testify that it has been revealed many years before the Hijrah.
Musnad Ahmad contains a narration from Hazra Asma, daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar (May Allah Bless them both), that states, ‘I saw Prophet Muhammad(SAW) offering prayer at the sacred place of Kaaba, and they were facing towards Hijr e Aswad. This was the time when “فَصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ” has not been revealed. At that time the Kafir heard these words from Hazrat Muhammad SAW “فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ” in prayers.’ This shows that this surah is revealed before the surah Al Hijr.
Ibn ul Munzir, Ibn e Mardoya, and Ibn e Khateeb narrate from Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer that once the Holy Prophet recited Surah Rehman himself or heard it recited before him, then they said to people that I could not hear the beautiful answer that Jinn said to Allah Almighty. People asked about that. Then the Prophet said that when I was reciting فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ, the jin repeat words in reply لَا بِشَیْءٍ مِّن نِّعْمَتِ رَبِّنا نُكَذِّبُ (means we don not denied the any blessings of Allah).
Tirmizi, Hakim, and Hafiz Abu Bakar Albiraz narrate a similar situation from Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah, their tradition includes these words.’When people stayed silent after listening to Surah Rahman, then Hazrat Muhammad said, when I recited this surah before jinn at night, when they had gathered to listen to Quran, they had replied a better answer than yours, when I recited this ayah of Allah Almighty فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ, they answered ‘O our Lord, we do not deny any of the blessings, all praises belong alone to you.’
This tradition points to the occasion of the incident about listening to the Quran of jinn, which is described in surah Ahqaf (29-32), the prophet Muhammad reciting surah rahman in prayer. This incident is in the 10th year after the prophethood.
These traditions show that Surah Rahman was revealed before Surah Hijr and Surah Ahqaf. Besides this here is another tradition that shows that Surah Rahman is one of those Surah revealed earlier in Makki surahs. Ibn e Ishaq narrates from Urwa Bin Zubair,’ One day the companions of the Prophet said, Quraish did not hear anyone recite Quran openly and who can be there that recite Quran loudly?
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood said that they would recite. The companions worried that they might face harsh treatment and said that this work should be done by someone who belongs to a powerful family so that if the Quraish treated them badly, their family would protect them. Hazrat Abdullah said, ‘Leave me alone, Allah is my helper’. The next day they went towards Khaana Kaaba where Quraish chiefs were sitting there in their groups.
Hazrat Abdullah headed towards Maqam e Ibrahim and started reciting Surah Rahman and recite it loudly, Quraish tried to understand at earlier that what was they reciting, then they realized these were those words which Muhammad said the words of God, then they fell upon him and started to beat on his face but Hazrat Abdullah did not scare off and they continuous recite the Quran as should as they can.
At last when they came with swollen faces then the Sahaba said, we have apprehended this previously. Hazrat Abdullah replied, today Allah’s enemies were so light for me that they never are. If you want I will recite the Quran to them tomorrow again. All said, no you did enough already, you had heard them say those words that they did not want to hear.’
Benefits of Surah Rahman:
- It helps in exploring the world and takes us to Jannah as we heard that the Quran itself gives testimony on the day of judgment of its reader.
- Surah Rahman also teaches us how to spend our lives and explains the unanswered questions.
- We know that in some places people take Surah Rahman as a cure for depression and many patients with depression recover because of listening to its beautiful recitation.
- Recitation of Surah Al-Rehman gives inner peace to the soul and mind.
Surah Rahman Main Theme:
Surah ar Rahman is the only surah of the Quran that directly addresses both human beings and jinn (the other creation of Allah, which has freedom of will and action)and they have realized Allah’s power, His countless blessings, helplessness, and answering in front of Him.
They have been warned about the results of their bad deeds and explained the best results of their good deeds. In this Surah, both are instructed to obey the orders of Allah to gain a place in Jannah and they receive countless blessings there.
Although in many places of the Quran, it is clear that jinn also have independence of doing right and wrong like humans and they are also answerable in front of Allah pak. There are also some Muslims and some are non-Muslims among them. Some groups accept the Prophet’s proposal and the divine books but this surah clearly explained that the prophethood of Muhammad SAW and the message of the Quran is also for jinn besides humans and their prophethood was not retained only to humans.
Although in the start only humans are addressed because the substitution of earth is only for them, the prophets of Allah are also among them, and the divine books are also sent in their languages but after ayat 13 both humans and jinn are addressed and only one preaching is told for both of them.
Al Quran Surah Rahman is mainly divided into two parts, the first part explains the blessings of Allah and the second part explains the Final Judgment and results of people.
But if they don’t obey what Allah has instructed then they for sure make their way to Jahnnam. Surah Rahman describes the main goal of Humans as some other place Allah describes the main goal of Humans as ‘َوَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ’.
- 1-4 It is explained that the Quran’s education is from Allah and this is the requirement of His mercy that he provides guidance to humans through this education because He is the only one who makes humans reasoned and intelligent.
- 5-6 It is said that all universal systems are under the supremacy of Allah and everything in Earth and sky is under His order.
- 7-9 One more truth explained that Allah Taala built this whole system in a balanced and precise manner and this system’s nature demands that the habitat should also follow equality within their boundaries and not disturb the balance.
- 10-25 Besides mentioning Allah’s power and his blessings, there is a remark about those blessings from humans and jinn who are benefitting.
- 26-30 The humans and Jinn are reminded that there is only Allah who has eternal power and is immortal, no one is there who is not dependent on Allah for their needs, whether that is from the lower side or from the upper side. Everything that is happening in this universe, from Earth to the sky, is progressing according to Allah’s order.
- 31-36 Both groups are warned that the time is near when they all will be accounted for their deeds from which they can’t spare because Allah’s power surrounds them from every side. There is no way for them to escape. If they misunderstand that they can do this then they can just try.
- 37-38 It is said that this account will be held on the day of the judgment.
- 39-45 There is an explanation of the results for those who do not obey Allah’s orders from humans and jinn.
- 46-78 From ayat 46 to the end of surat, there is the detail of those gifts and rewards which will be given to those humans and jinn who spend a God-fearing life and spend their life in a clear understanding that they should be accounted in front of their Rabb.
This whole discussion is in a rhetorical language. This is a vibrant and eloquent discussion in which Allah’s power, his wonders, every blessing from him, every sign of his supremacy, and his reward and punishment are explained and then this question is asked from jin o ins, ’فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ’. For a better understanding, I have divided Surah Al Rahman fully into four sections.
First Section of Surah e Rahman:
If we look at the tafseer of the 1st ruku, we’ll see that Allah Taala showed balance and harmony in the world. He described the rewards and gifts in the form of Jannah and the terrible scenes of Hell. Those who obey the golden rules described by Allah will go to Jannah, and those who are disbelievers will go to Jahanam.
Second Section of Surah Rahman:
In this section of Surah Rahman, Allah Ta’ala beautifully explains his rewards: that he has created fruits, crops, vegetables, and the four seasons. His glory is to alternate the seasons and allow the fruits and vegetables to ripen.
Third Section of Surah Rahman:
In this part of Surah Rahman, Allah Ta’ala showed the scenes of Judgement Day so that everybody would see his charge sheet. Those who receive it in the right hand will go to Jannah, and those who receive it in the left hand will go to Jahanam.
Fourth Section of Surah Rahman:
In this final part of Surah Rahman, Allah Ta’ala explained human beings’ main purpose, which is Allah’s worship. We should consider this world temporary and prepare ourselves for that permanent world.
Structure of Surah Rehman:
The most remarkable structural feature of Ar-Rehman is the Refrain. ‘‘Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?’’ (فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ). It appears 31 times in the 78 verses. This reminds us about the blessings of Allah so we do not forget these at any time.
What is the connection between Surah Rahman and other Surahs in the Quran?
Surah Qamar:
In Inner Dimensions from the Order of the Surahs in the Qur’an, Imam al-Suyuti writes:
Allah Taala said at the end of Al-Qamar
بَلِ ٱلسَّاعَةُ مَوْعِدُهُمْ وَٱلسَّاعَةُ أَدْهَىٰ وَأَمَرُّ
‘Even better, the hour is when they are supposed to arrive, and it will be the most terrible and disastrous hour.’’(Al-Qamar 54:46)
Then He spoke about the status of the God-fearing people in the gardens and rivers and the state of the criminals in Saqar (another term for Hell). In this surah, he provides a thorough explanation of each issue from the abstract verse in the chronological sequence in which it appeared.
He begins by expressing the hour’s harshness and making reference to its terrible essence. Then he goes on to speak of the people of Paradise and the Fire.
‘‘The wicked will be identified by their appearance, and their feet and forelocks will seize them.’’ (Surah Rahman 55:41). He did not utilize ‘the disbelievers’ or a close term because of this surah’s link to His words in the previous one:
إِنَّ ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ
‘‘Indeed, the criminals’’ (Al-Qamar 54:41)
Surah Al Mulk:
Surah Rahman and Surah Mulk connected through the themes of Allah’s Mercy, power, and creation.
67|15|هُوَ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ ذَلُولًا فَامْشُوا فِي مَنَاكِبِهَا وَكُلُوا مِن رِّزْقِهِ ۖ وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ
This ayah reflects Allah’s power and His control over Earth.
55|45|فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
This verse is the ultimate reminder of Allah’s countless blessings on His creation.